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Movie Day at Fisher


Jarvis NJHS visits Fisher PreK

About 70 members of Jarvis Middle School's National Junior Honor Society joined the Fisher PreK classes for a time of games, crafts, food, and fun.


PreK gets a jump on the holidays with help from Jarvis NJHS

Friday, Dec. 13 was a lucky day for Fisher's PreK classes. More than 70 members of the Jarvis National Junior Honor Society spent two hours in the PreK classrooms reading stories, playing games, enjoying snacks, making crafts, and just hanging out. What a great Christmas present for young and old!


Learning about community

Grades PreK-1 learn about community is this annual project. Students work with adult family members or friends to construct a building or scene of something they might see in their villages. There are municipal buildings, retail stores, restaurants, homes, and scenes. Some are realistic; others are whimsical. The result is on display in the school entrance.


Kindergarten Christmas Performance at Fisher

On Wednesday December 18, Fisher Elementary students performed their Christmas songs to their grade 1 friends, getting ready for their December 19th performances for the incoming parents.


Jarvis Musicians and Singers visit Fisher

Fisher Elementary students were treated to lunch with Christmas music and Christmas songs as students from Jarvis Middle School played and sang during our lunch periods.

Latest News

January 8, 2025

A note from our PE department

Good evening Fisher Families The PE department is asking for students to be properly prepared for (weather permitting) an outdoor winter unit for their upcoming PE classes from Monday January 13-Frid. . .

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