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Upcoming important dates for all PK students and families

Posted Date: 8/28/24 (2:31 PM)

Good afternoon all Fisher Pre-K students and families

I hope this message finds you enjoying the last days of summer.  I just wanted to send a quick final reminder of a few items as September is fast approaching.

First, it was great to see the new students and parents who accompanied the littles on the August 21st practice bus run.  I can't wait to see those eager students again on September 11!

Second, you should have by now received your PK teacher assignments and invitations for your upcoming orientation.  We very much look forward to your visit, and hope any and all question can be answered so your student has a great first day.

Third, that first day of classes for PK students is Wednesday, September 11.  

Please accept my warmest wishes for a great Labor Day weekend.  

Mr. Murphy