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Share your thoughts on plans for NYS graduation measures

Posted Date: 9/04/24 (3:44 PM)

Class of 2024 dressed in cap and gownIn September, OHM BOCES will host two forums — one for the public and one for educators — that will present a vision for changes to New York State's diploma requirements. Your input is needed.

In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Those recommendations reflected the understanding that a one-size-fits-all diploma is unrealistic in today's society. Not everyone is headed for college and not everyone learns the same way. Instead, they proposed looking at different pathways to graduation. The Board of Regents has created a vision to implement these recommendations.

In these forums, attendees will break into small groups to discuss and provide feedback on that vision. The Board of Regents will take what it learns to refine its plans. Details are as follows:

BRC Ambassador Public Forum

BRC Ambassador Forum for Educators